Sunday, September 23, 2012

And then he was TWO!!

Well congratulations to me, I am 2!!

Oh how the time has flown, well that's what my Mummy & Daddy say, or should I say Baba (Mama) & Day-eeee (Daddy). Last weekend (16th September) my Day-eeee stayed a little bit longer in town so we could have a party. It was farm themed & I had a ball. Baba made a sensory farm for me and my little cousins to play in and it was awesome. I got lots of really awesome presents including a little people farm, little people car garage, trampoline, trike, scooter, helmet, tow truck, water play set, books, toys and more fun awesome things to play with! I was pretty tired at the party so I didn't want to open all the presents at the grown ups demand, but Baba covered for me and allowed me to play with the most interesting toy of the moment - the car garage.

I picked up the scooter almost straight away, but the trike is a little harder. I can get my feet to move the pedals a little bit, but Baba says that I need to keep pushing with one and then the other and it just gets all jumbled up in my head & I can't do it. I want to, but I guess I just have to keep practicing. I have finally figured out how to use the sit 'n' spin that I got last Christmas, that was a tough one, but Baba usually thinks I'm older than I am when she buys toys, she's a bit silly like that.

My talking is getting a lot better. I try and say most words, even if Baba & Day-eeee can't understand fully. I call myself 'Dee-Daa', Rylan is too hard, and I like the sound of it better. Lucy (our puppy) is Eee-eeee-eee; she always has been, and probably always will be. My best words are NO and BYEEEEE, last night I said Bub Bye, Baba was excited. I can now say the word More instead of making a high pitched noise to indicate more. That means that I can easily say no more. Every time Baba wants to change my nappy, I say 'no doo' cuz 'poo' is a little tough.

Baba took me to the library for the first time the other day. I wasn't really too interested in checking for where some good books were, but I made sure I climbed on every chair and anything accessible in the kids area. I wanted to hog the computer, but there were other kids that needed to look things up, I just wanted it for the buttons, and I wasn't too impressed when Baba took me away from there. Baba picked out a really awesome book that I love called 'Tinyrannasaurus and the Bigfootasaurus'. Its about some little dinosaurs who build a snow man that looks like Bigfoot & Bigfoot replaces the snowman when they're not looking, then he starts chasing them and then they have to save Bigfoot in the end. There is a point in the story where Bigfoot pops his head out of a pile of snow. I can see that word, point to it and say POP! Aren't I clever.

The letters of the alphabet that I 100% know: the letter O.
the numbers that I know really well: 2 & 3

When I talk at the moment my tongue gets tied & it sounds like I am saying lickalickalickalicka-day-eee's car.

I still love Mickey Mouse, but I regressed back to the Wiggles for a while. Mummy is sick of Mickey, so we are watching Dora right now, I am pretty enthralled.

Yesterday was my REAL birthday, and first Gramps came over while Baba & Grammy went to the markets, that was fun because I don't see Gramps all the time. Then Baba took me to Target and I picked out a hat, sunnies & a pair of board shorts because we were going swimming!! We then got back in the car and drove to South Bank. Its this magical wonderful place filled with fake beaches & public pools, squirty water things and is sooo much fun. I have been there before, just before Baby Chloe was born (Baba's best friend Aunty Kelly's baby) but I forgot and had to start from scratch.

At first I was a little apprehensive about running through the sprinklers, but when Baba showed me how to fling my hand through the stream, well that was it, I chased them around wherever the water went, then I walked in and out of the kiddie pool hundreds of times. I accidentally fell over and dunked my head 3 or 4 times, but Baba was always there to pull me out straight away. We had so much fun, and then we went to Freestyle Tout and had creme brulee - welllllll.....Baba did, I just dipped the biscotti into the vanilla ice-cream. Baba wasn't too upset that I didn't eat much, because it meant she got to eat the rest, no complaints there.

After we got home, we had dinner & a cuddle & I went to bed. It was a big day! Lots of people called me and sent my Baba messages to say Happy Birthday. I must say it is a  little confusing; first I have a party, then on the following Friday I have cupcakes at Daycare, and then it's my real birthday? Weird. I didn't mind though, I got extra special treatment and I was on my best behaviour (most of the time).

I'm sure there are things that I've forgotten, but we have been so busy that I just have not had time to document my life. I hope you can forgive me. I'll try and do it more regularly from now on.

Well, until next time, BYEEEEEEEE
- Rylan (penned by Baba)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Wowo - Translation.....YELLOW!

Well the most exciting thing this month is that Mummy is off her crutches and can drive me around to lots of fun places again. Wow we have been driving so much lately, I'm almost a little bit sick of it, but I don't mind when Mummy takes me to places like the park or to get yummy food.

Before Mummy got off her crutches, I got to ride on a bus for the first time! I was a little bit scared at first when I stepped on, it was so weird not being strapped into a seat, but after Mummy got our ticket, and we sat down, it was all ok. Mummy even let me stand on the seat and look out the window! It was so fun. When it was time to go home, Mummy wasn't sure which bus we needed to catch, but a nice bus driver set us straight. We walked up to the right stop and there wasn't anywhere to sit, so we sat on the ground and played on Mummy's iPhone. I was such a good boy that the bus driver took the time to come up to me and tell me what a good boy I was being. I am a good boy aren't I!

Well, sometimes I am NOT a good boy. I don't know what it is inside my head that makes me want to touch everything and not eat my veges, but it just happens that way. I started not wanting to sleep in my own bed anymore either. It started by sneaking into see Mummy & Daddy in the middle of the night & relying on their lack of motivation to get up and get me back to bed and progressed to me wanting to come out of my room every time I was put to bed. My Mummy was exhausted, she even cried....a LOT. I made sure to give her a big hug & kiss though so that made her feel better. After that day, Mummy called 13HEALTH and they helped her out with what to do with me. I get a star on a reward chart if I stay in my bed. I haven't done it yet, but Mummy let me have a star for the time I slept in the car (technically I didn't get out of bed hehe) and for when I had a sleep at daycare. I only need 8 more stars and I get a hoppy ball.....not sure if it will ever happen, but I hope so!

I know some of my colours pretty well now, especially Yellow! I say it like Wowo. I am really starting to make different noises when I talk now too which is very exciting for my Mummy & Daddy. They can't wait til I can talk! 

Well there isn't much more to report other than I am right into kissing on the lips, I still like Mickey Mouse & The Wiggles are back in the picture with the addition of Jake & The Neverland Pirates. Still won't watch movies. Oh and for some reason I like to grab at pictures in books and act like its not fair that I can't have them. Mummy doesn't understand cuz they aren't photos of stuff, they are drawings. Ah, a toddler's life!

See u soon x 
Rylan (penned by Mummy)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Oh Dear...its been a while

So much has happened since Easter, but I have been such a busy boy, I haven't had time to write in this blog, and by write in it, I mean sit in my high chair eating raisin toast watching Mickey Mouse Club House.

Towards the last couple of weeks of April, Mummy & Daddy got me a new bed! A BIG BOY BED. I love it so much. I can climb in and out of it and it gives my bedroom so much more room for activities. Before I had my cot & a couch in there for reading books, but now they are gone and its just my bed and my shelves and that's it! Sooooo much room and so much more floor space to spread all my junk!

My Mummy had a big operation on her knee at the end of April. It was very sore. At first, I stayed at Nona's for a whole week, my longest trip yet! I missed my Mummy but she needed to rest and I needed to play with Rusty! One day while I was minding my own business, my Daddy showed up to take me home! I was so excited to see Daddy, he isn't home much, but when he is I absolutely love it!

My Daddy is soooo fun. He takes me into the backyard every day (a bit more than Mummy) and he plays ball with me, and kicks balls really high into the air and I think its the funniest thing EVER! Daddy also had to do all of Mummy's jobs while he was home because Mummy can't do much at all. She sits on the couch with her leg up and watches TV and plays on the computer. BORING. She can't pick me up or carry me around or anything. She says she'll be better soon so that's good.

After Daddy left we had lots of visitors staying with us looking after us, including Aunty Kelly & Baby Chloe. It was fun having a little baby here. I was soooo gentle with her, all I did was stroke her little arm, lightly tickle her belly and touch her soft soft hair. She is so cute, I love her. Mummy tells me she is going to be my best friend but I don't know what that means so I will just continue to like her is that ok?

My Great Nana Loretz came to stay and look after us too. She is lots of fun. She runs around and plays with me more than anyone else!

Other than that, I have been staying between home, my Grammy's and my Nona's house and going to daycare 2 days a week. The other day, the teacher tried me in the 2 year old class because I was a bit bored with all the little kids. Mummy said I was allowed to go into that class if I want to, and I do! I love daycare, only bad part is that it makes me sick all the time and I always have snot coming out my nose. I gave one bout of sickness to Mummy, Grammy & Nona. They weren't impressed, but didn't blame me cuz it wasn't really my fault.

On Anzac day i made Anzac biscuits with Mummy, that was fun. She had to force one into my mouth to try because they looked funny and I didn't wanna try them. After I tasted them though WOAH, they were delicious! I ate a few!

Mummy gave me a haircut the other day, I went from looking like a girl to a thug. First she trimmed it up, then she asked Uncle Harry to help neaten it up with his clippers, but I wasn't feeling like sitting still, so eventually they said that it was too hard, and they shaved my head! It wasn't a very good job, but it was better than the first job. I like it because my head feels prickly. I am going to get it all fixed up in a couple of weeks at the hair dresser. Mummy said she won't be cutting my hair again. I am glad.

I'm not so interested in the Wiggles, though I do still request them on occasion. I mainly watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse & Jungle Junction at the moment. I also found my birthday present early which is a little people pirate ship which I absolutely love! It is the funnest toy ever. Mummy wasn't mad that I found it, it was her fault for leaving it out.

My talking is getting better, I babble a lot more and try and say words a lot more which Mummy is pleased with. A lot doesn't make sense, but soon I'll be talking in full sentences and holding adult conversations!

Well I think that's all for now, thank you for reading!

Love Rylan (penned by Mummy)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Humpty Dumpty goes SPLAT

I hate being sick. I get frustrated and whinge constantly until Mummy loses her nut. Last night I whinged for hours, and kept Mummy up till all hours. I don't know why, I just didn't feel like sleeping. Eventually I went to sleep, and when I woke up it was EASTER! I got a Humpty Dumpty egg, just like Mummy said she asked him for (cuz I can't talk or write letters yet), and a few tiny eggs as well as a wodden train that spelled out my name. Only weird thing was that instead of an 'a', Mummy bought a 'v'. Maybe she got confused. Oh, she is explaining to me now that the Easter Bunny ran out of the letter 'a' so he told her he would give me an 'v' so Daddy can drill a hole in the top of it and tip it upsidedown and make it into an 'a'. Ah, clever Easter Bunny.

Last week I spent 2 nights away from Mummy. It was fun. I got to stay with Nona, Aunty Cara, Rusty (dog) & Sari (cat). I did miss my Mummy, but I was also a little mad at her cuz I didn't see her for so long. When I came home, I just hugged Nona like I was never going to let go. It made Mummy feel a bit sad, but I gave her a big I forgive you hug later o and she was happy. Nona is going to take me for an even longer visit when Mummy has her operation at the end of this month. That will be fun, but I will miss Mummy a lot (just saying that because she's typing, I won't really miss her that much, well, maybe a little).

I still love the wiggles, and am still having trouble getting my mouth around words. I am trying though. Yesterday Mummy got me to say 'ma' instead of my trade mark 'mmmmmmm' so that's progress she said. Also, I used the potty twice and got to flush the big toilet twice.

My Aunty Jen Jen came to visit yesterday, she brought me some easter eggs too, but I don't think she is the Easter Bunny, although she is cute like one. She stayed all day and watched WifeSwap Australia with Mummy. Boring. I just wanted to watch the Wiggles. Mummy has started to limit my Wiggles watching because my eyes are going square. I can't see it but she is the Mama.

I am very excited today because we get to Skype chat with my Daddy. He is going fishing this afternoon after being stuck in Newman for months, they have gone back to Port Hedland for a few weeks, and this is his first fishing in a long time. He is going to get us out of the way in the morning. haha, he loves us, and I hope he has a good time fishing. They call him the Jack man cuz he catches so many mangrove jacks. I don't know what they are but they sound yummy.

I am really good at riding on my ride on trike, and Lucy can use the back stairs to go up and down all by herself now so Mummy doesn't have to cart her down to do wees and poos every 5 minutes.

I'm sure there is so much more, but this has gone on long enough and I have to finish my bottle.

Oh, didn't have a nap yesterday and fell asleep as my bottle hit the couch when I finished it. I was tired! I will be having a nap if it kills me Mummy says.

Ok well chocolate to eat, Wiggles to watch. Peace my brothers xx

Rylan (penned by Mummy)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

They don't call me Boo Boo for nothing

Well Mummy says I have been in the wars! I have lost count of how many times I have gone S-P-L-A-T this week.
- I fell down the last couple of stairs onto the concrete below and got a scrape on my forehead and foot OUCH
- Mummy accidentally scratched me on the cheek, her nails are sharp!
- Both my knees are scraped from general falling over
- I got a big fat naughty mean ugly needle in my leg and I could barely walk

I'm sure there are more, but oh my stars I am sick of having booboos! Every time it happens and Mummy comes to find out what's wrong, I say in the cutest possible way, so angry and upset and sad SPLAT and make a splat gesture with my hand. Mummy says its cute.

I have started trying to say some words which is making my Mummy very happy. I can say;

Tarr (Guitar)
Splat (although sounds like na)
I try to say 'Lucy' but it just ends up being eeeeeeee

My telepathic skills to write this blog are far more refined.

Toys I am playing with at the moment are my piggybank toy that Mummy bought so I could have somewhere to put all Daddy's silver dollars. I love my new little ride on trike that Daddy bought me while he was here last week. My Wiggles passion is still super strong. I am also enjoying my puzzles of late.

Love showers, hate getting dried.

Got cradle cap.

Need another haircut - doesn't look like its gonna curl just yet.

All of a sudden don't like my hat. Weird.

Ok well that's all I have to report. Daddy was here last week and that was awesome. I was very sad to see him go, but he'll be back in a month so that's good. Going to stay at Nona's for 2 nights & 3 days, my longest trip yet. Mummy can't wait. I don't know why, she won't have me around to play with so won't she be bored?

Ok well peace out my peeps. I'm not sure what that means but it sounds cool when I hear it on TV.

x Rylan (Penned by mummy)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Catch up...

Mummy said that our computer was broken and so I wasn't able to post for a while, but now its fixed so yay.

In a nutshell here's what's up with me;

I got a chicken pox vaccination and it made my nose run and now I have my first proper cold.
I love the Wiggles and I like to make my Mummy put it on all the time by waving my fingers really fast like they do. I like Dorothy's show, but Wiggle & Learn is way better. I also shut the eff up when Mummy changes my nappy when she sings hot potato, so everybody wins!
My Gramps came to visit and that was fun.
My Aunty Phoebe babysat me but I didn't like it when Mummy left, but she let me play with my iPhone so that was good.
Mummy's hard drive crashed so she had to get that fixed (incidentally, its still not fixed, and yes, her computer and an external broke at the same time ugh). This is really more her news than mine, but she has more time to spend with me now that its away so I like that.
Mummy invented a new game where she runs into walls and I think its HILARIOUS!

This weekend I'm at my Nona's house playing with her, Aunty Cara & Rusty (he's a dog). Mummy has the weekend off, but she's sick so she's going to be laid up on the couch most of the time. She said she was gonna clean the house before Daddy got home, but I doubt that will happen today,  maybe tomorrow.

Not much more to report, other than I like picking my puppy Lucy up by her neck and or ears, but for some reason Mummy yells at me. I just want her to have some Rylan love, but Mummy doesn't get it. Then she puts Lucy outside so I have to watch more Wiggles instead of play with her.

I also have been told that I need to say more words, so Mummy is working on it with me. I think I said Dada cuz Mummy wouldn't shut up from saying mumumumumumumumumumumumumumumu dadadadadadadadadadadadadaadadadadadaa like a crazy person. Maybe its rubbing off on me?

I promise I'll post some photos soon, well Mummy said she will once the harddrive is back.

Ok, well peace and vegemite sandwiches :) xx
Rylan (penned by Mummy)

Friday, March 2, 2012

A brand new puppy, and daycare for me!

Sorry I haven't written for a while. Mummy said our computer was dead, but actually it isn't dead, it was just in a deep sleep that the man from the Apple store snapped it out of.

Last Saturday we got a brand new cute little, tiny little, furry little PUPPY!!!! She is a shoodle, which for those who aren't familiar is a shih tzu x toy poodle. She is all black except for a little tuft of white on her chest. She is so cute, I love her. My favourite things to do with her are; running in the back yard and having her chase me, chasing her up and down the hall way and putting my head on the ground so she can lick and mouth at my ears. Mummy is starting to get a bit worried that we are encouraging the wrong kinds of behavior and is now cracking down on Lucy so she knows her place. Me, I just like to give her big cuddles and try and crush her with my body. She's so soft and nice, I love her.

Yesterday, Mummy started me at Daycare, just one day a week, but so far I love it. I actually learned to wear a hat without screaming and ripping it off. Mummy said she has been trying to get me to do that for ages and one day at Daycare and I was doing it. Alls I know is that they say no hat, no play, and that's good enough for me.

They have a pet rat at daycare, I forget her name, but I like to pet her. Mummy thinks she's gross, I don't know why.

Other than that, not much more to report. Daddy came home and on Saturday Mummy & Daddy went to say goodbye to Aunty Sally, but I don't know what that means. I got to stay with my Aunty Kelly for the day and that was fun. She is going to have a baby soon, and we will be best friends just like our mummies.

Oh, I used the potty all by my self yesterday, and I can still do it today. I just have to remember to do it before I do a wee on the floor, not just after mummy says I should have done it in the potty. I can usually still push and squeeze a bit more out, even if I don't feel like I need to go.

well talk soon!
Rylan (penned by Mummy)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sorry I'm such a naughty little boo boo

Woah nelly, what a day so far. I keep falling over and hurting my boo boo and crying, and I am also whinging a lot for no reason. This morning, I took the card out of the foxtel and hid it from Mummy just to watch her squirm. I didn't mean to hide it so well, I forgot to tell her that I tried putting it back in but accidentally slid it under the box instead of in the slot. Oopsy - sorry Mummy.

I keep being naughty today and Mummy keeps getting cross. We are both having a bad day. I hope that this afternoon we can have some fun instead of being mad at each other.

DADDY COMES HOME TOMORROW!!! Hooray!! I can't wait to see him. He will sort Mummy out...and me :)

Sorry Mummy, I love you xx Rylan (penned by Mummy)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

New room, new me :)

Today was the first time I successfully got onto my wooden chair and sat at my table to play with my guitar. This morning, Mummy and I rearranged my room so that I could have maximum play space and lots of room to store my toys. Mum found lots of things that she forgot she even had that she either bought or was given to her when I was a new baby. I guess she didn't really 'need' them after all.

Later in the day, after my huge 3 hour sleep (first one longer than 1 hour in months), we went to Westfield and Mummy let me play on the playground for ages. There was a little girl there who was older than me who was trying to boss me around, but I didn't care, nothing was going to stand in the way of me having fun. When I had enough, I started wondering off down towards coles, Mummy was close behind though, I knew she was always watching me.

Oh, I got a boo boo on my knee this morning when I fell over in the car park. My knee was all bloody and I cried a lot. Luckily, Mummy had a nice Wiggles band-aid for me to put on there which made it feel much better. I will have to be more careful next time.

Ok well I am watching a bit of Jungle Junction now, so I better go.

cya xx Rylan (penned by Mummy)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

HELLO THERE - Fun in the sun

My mummy is helping me write this blog because I am only 16 months & 3 weeks old. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rylan Jai and I am a mischievous little boy who loves to giggle and cause trouble. When I do something naughty (or anything that I think might be naughty) I say 'um-mum-ma' and shake my finger. I know that these things are naughty, but I just can't help doing them. I think I like the attention I get when my Mummy gets cross.

I have a Mummy and a Daddy but no brothers or sisters, whatever they are. Not yet anyway. Mummy says that there will be one one day, but I will worry about that then.

I have decided to start this blog, not for anyone else to read, although if they do and enjoy it then that's great, but to keep a record of all my antics as I grow up so that when I am older and I can truly know what I was like when I was young. My Mummy wishes she knew what she was like before she could remember.

Well, on to my adventures of the day.

Today, Mummy was very bored and decided to take me to South Bank, Brisbane. It is a nice place with yummy things to eat and a pool, and a fake beach and a wondrous wonderland of wonderful sprinklers and water that shoots up from the ground that I can run through. It was the best fun I have ever had.

I made my Mummy go through them with me, and she liked it too. We went there with Aunty Kelly, Mitchell, Ruben, Jess & baby Jackson. Jackson couldn't run around with me, so I just did it on my own.

I didn't want to get out of the water because I was having so much fun. Mummy said that we had to get out because she was getting burnt - she didn't wear sunscreen like me, silly Mummy. When we got out, Mummy let me have a chocolate cupcake (it was mini sized) and instead of taking normal toddler bites, I shoved the whole thing in my mouth, it was yum! Mummy tried to take a video of me eating it, but she was too slow getting the camera out, so the video isn't that impressive or worth uploading. My mummy said she might put it up later if she can be bothered.

After that we went back to the car and went home. I fell asleep just as we left the car park, I was pooped! Mummy was pooped too, but she didn't have a sleep, she had a coffee instead.

Well that was my adventure for the day.

By Rylan (penned by Mummy)